7 | Janeway's Challenge Destroy Lost HostilesSMS 10+ | Ship UpgradeSpend Ship Upgrade MaterialsSLB 21-41 | Temporal Eradicator (Heroic)Spend Temporal Incursion DirectivesSMS 42+ | Static KrenimSpend Temporal Incursion Directives and Defeat Static KrenimIMS 42+ | Krenim CrusherDeal Damage to Static or Charged KrenimSLB 42+ | DTI Headquarters (Heroic)Upgrade the DTI HeadquartersSMS 42+ | Temporal LoyalistGain DTI ReputationSLB 42+ |
8 | Neelix's ChallengeDestroy Dominion hostilesSMS 10+ | Krenim ObliteratorDealing Damage to KrenimRegional SLB 42+ | |||||
9 | Harry Kim's ChallengeDock materialsSMS 10+ | Station UpgradeGain PowerSLB 20-41 | |||||
10 | Chakotay's ChallengeComplete ATA and Spend Trait XPSMS 10+ | Ticketed EventsSMS 10+ | |||||
11 | B'Elanna's ChallengeDestroy Hirogen HostilesSMS 10+ | Specialist Seven RecruitSpend Materials or DirectivesSMS & SLB & Regional 20+ | |||||
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13 | Doctor's ChallengeDestroy Lost HostilesSMS 10+ | Temporal Eradicator (Heroic)Spend Temporal Incursion DirectivesSMS 42+ | Static KrenimSpend Temporal Incursion Directives and Defeat Static KrenimIMS 42+ | Krenim CrusherDeal Damage to Static or Charged KrenimSLB 42+ | May I Remind You? (Heroic)Recruit and Tier up Infiltrator TuvokSMS 20+ | Assimilating Butterflies (Heroic) Recruit and Tier up IchebSMS 20+ | |
14 | Tom's ChallengeDestroy Hirogen HostilesSMS 10+ | Ship UpgradeSpend Ship Upgrade MaterialsSLB 21-41 | Timeline TraderSpend Static or Charged DTI CreditsSLB 42+ | What If? Pt1ATA and Spend Trait XPSMS 10+ | |||
15 | 7 of 9's ChallengeDestroy Klingon HostilesSMS 10+ | Krenim ObliteratorDealing Damage to KrenimRegional SLB 42+ | DTI HeadquartersUpgrade the DTI HeadquartersSLB 42+ | ||||
16 | Tuvok's ChallengeHelp AllianceSMS 10+ | Voyager 30th!TriviaySMS 10+ | Station UpgradeGain PowerSLB 20-41 | What If? Pt2Destroy specific HostilesSMS 10+ | |||
17 | Icheb's ChallengeDestroy Romulan HostilesSMS 10+ | Static KrenimSpend Temporal Incursion Directives and Defeat Static KrenimIMS 42+ | Ticketed EventsSMS 10+ | ||||
18 | Specialist Seven RecruitSpend Materials or DirectivesSMS & SLB & Regional 20+ | ||||||
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20 | Temporal Eradicator (Heroic)Spend Temporal Incursion DirectivesSMS 42+ | Krenim CrusherDeal Damage to Static or Charged KrenimSLB 42+ | AnalyzingDock materialsSMS 10+ | ||||
21 | Ship UpgradeSpend Ship Upgrade MaterialsSLB 21-41 | Temporal LoyalistGain DTI ReputationSLB 42+ | Predicting Movements ATASMS 10+ | ||||
22 | Krenim ObliteratorDealing Damage to KrenimRegional SLB 42+ | DTI HeadquartersUpgrade the DTI HeadquartersSLB 42+ | Identifying WeaknessesGain PowerSMS 10+ | ||||
23 | Station UpgradeGain PowerSLB 20-41 | Simulating Destroy hostiles with an ExplorerSMS 10+ | |||||
24 | CounteringDestroy hostilesSMS 10+ | Ticketed EventsSMS 10+ | |||||
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